Monday, August 17, 2009

The Time Has Come

well folks, the time has come. in just one week we will have this precious little angel in our arms. we are very excited and a little nervous. the three of us are about to venture on a journey far beyond our wildest dreams. we are ready to go. until next time, yippee-ki-yea......skmj


  1. God Bless you guys on your journey. We are looking forward to hearing about your trip as well as seeing little Jenna.

  2. I'm thinking of you all today as you make your way to China! I am trying to be patient while awaiting updates! :)

  3. Yippee!!! Won't be long until you're holding your precious daughter!!

  4. We are thinking of & praying for you during your journey to bring precious Jenna home. Love to all

  5. We are all anxiously awaiting to hear an update on your journey. Can't wait to meet Jenna and see all of you at the airport. God bless you all!

  6. Got an email from Karen. They get Jenna at around 10:00p.m. our time. 10a.m. Monday China time. Her email follows. Read on:

    Hello Family and Friends,
    It has been quite a trip. When we left louisville we were in a 3 seat across airplane and we were the lucky ones stuck in the back. Matthew was so excited. He did AWESOME! Then we had a 3 hour layover in Chicago. The layover felt much longer than 3hours! Then off to Beijing. It was a 12 1/2 hour flight. Which was great for the first 8 hours then the stomach bug hit Matthew full blown. He was sick as can be for the last 4 1/2 hours. Not fun for the last part of the trip. We met our first couple that is adopting as well on our flight to Beijing. They live near Chicago. Very nice couple. They have 2 sons and are adopting a son from China.

    We were all so excited when our plane finally laned after circling the airport at least twice if not 3 times. In Beijing we did 2 days of touring. First day was Teatamin (however it is spelled) square, the silk factory, lunch. Yesterday we went to the Jade Factory wow was that neat, The Great Wall..I thought we had gotten to the top of the mountain we had to climb when I realized it goes on forever. Matthew did great at the wall but was exhausted. My legs are still killing me. Then we went by the Olympic Village we couldn't go inside but it was breath taking on the outside. There was were it was really cute. There is another couple in our group that is adopting their second chinese girl. The one they have is named Katherine. Katherine speaks her mind! She is 3 years old and very funny. Anyway she met up with another chinese girl and this girl was like 1 year old. The little girl couldn't talk yet and Katherine was very offened by that. Katherine was amazed at the other little girl.

    Next place was lunch. Matthew wasn't too fond of the Chinese food. Especially when they brought out a full fish cooked on a plate...eyes and all. He did pretty well but we had to keep the fish on the other side of the table. It was hilirous. I guess you could say he is just like his mother. Next tour was the tea room. It was so neat but our whole group was exhausted! We tried 5 different Teas. Matthew didn't try even one. We ended up with Lucky Boy. We will have to show you that one! Katherine gave Matthew hers so he would have one. Katherine made it very vocal that she didn't like her tea she looked at me and said isn't this tea disgusting! Katherine is getting a 3 year old sister. Mom is going to have her hands full!

    Today is what they call gotcha day. Today is the day we get Jenna. In fact we will be getting her in about 2 1/2 hours. I have to pinch myself to believe it is really happening. Matthew is all decked out in his I'm the big brother t-shirt ready to get his sister. Matthew isn't feeling up to power but he is hanging in there. I'll try to keep up with letting you know how we are doing. Please pass this along to any family and friends. We could only get it out to so many of you. God Bless and we'll send our pictures of Jenna soon. We miss you all and love you all. Bye for now from China. Karen

  7. Sorry to hear about Matthew but Yay!! for Gotcha Day! Can't wait to see pics.


  8. More from Karen:
    Family and Friends,
    We now have our Jenna. I can't even begin to tell you what it felt like to hold her for the first time. I shed a couple of tears as I reached down to pick her up from her nanny. She was sucking her thumb and she started to cry but immediately she was fine. She is very shy. She immediately put her head on my shoulder and snuggled in. All of us got our babies around the same time in one big room. Jenna is wearing 12 month clothes and some 6-9 month.

    She has been a dream so far. Not knowing what she can do has been very interesting. I placed her on the floor last night and much to our surprise she walked all the way around the furniture. She loves the TV remote and the phone...Imagine that. Then we decided to really test what she can do. So we decided to walk her down the hall. Scott had one hand I had the other and Matthew was walking in front of us. She was smiling ear to ear as she tried to walk down the hallway. Matthew would come up and tickle her and she would just laugh.

    The most interesting trip so far has been to the Lotus store....kind of like an extended version of Walmart. It was 3 stories high. Imagine being stuck in your house with all the windows shut in the 90 degree weather, now add about 1000 people to that. That was our experience. Everything looked like American but with Chinese writing. Yisha is our CCAI guide here and she was very impressive. She means business. She helped us through the grocery line. I have no idea what she said but she was very angry when she talked to the cashier.

    Today is a free day and so is tomorrow. Friday to us we fly out to the White Swan. Can't wait to see you all. Jenna is just so precious. Very very shy. She knows who Da Da is...what kind of crap is that? Have a great night sleep as we continue throughout our day. Please pass this along because we are having trouble doing anything e-mail wise. See ya soon. Karen :)
